Statistical Language Learning (Language, Speech, and Communication)
Eugene Charniak breaks new ground in artificial intelligenceresearch by presenting statistical language processing from an artificial intelligence point of view in a text for researchers and scientists with a traditional computer science background. Get and download textbook Statistical Language Learning (Language, Speech, and Communication) for free
Statistical Language Learning (Paper) REPRINT Edition
ew, exacting empirical methods are needed to break the deadlock in such areas of artificial intelligence as robotics, knowledge representation, machine learning, machine translation, and natural language processing (NLP). It is time, Charniak observes, to switch paradigms. This text introduces statistical language processing techniques ;word tagging, parsing with probabilistic context free grammars, grammar induction, syntactic disambiguation, semantic wordclasses, word-sense disambiguation ;along wi Statistical Language Learning new edition
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Statistical Language Learning: Eugene Charniak
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Statistical Language Learning by Eugene Charniak Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Eugene Charniak breaks new ground in artificial intelligence research by presenting statistical language processing from an artificial intelligence point of view in a text for researchers and scientists with a traditional computer science background. New, exacting empirical methods are needed to break the deadlock in such areas of
Statistical Language Learning, ISBN-13: 9780262032162, ISBN-10: 0262032163
Statistical Language Learning
Statistical Language Learning Textbook
ew, exacting empirical methods are needed to break the deadlock in such areas of artificial intelligence as robotics, knowledge representation, machine learning, machine translation, and natural language processing (NLP)
This text introduces statistical language processing techniques ;word tagging, parsing with probabilistic context free grammars, grammar induction, syntactic disambiguation, semantic wordclasses, word-sense disambiguation ;along wi