Star Schema The Complete Reference
The definitive guide to dimensional design for your data warehouse Learn the best practices of dimensional design. Get and download textbook Star Schema The Complete Reference for free
Buy Star Schema The Complete Reference by Christopher Adamson and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Star Schema: The Complete Reference offers in-depth coverage of design principles and their underlying rationales. Organized around design concepts and illustrated with detailed examples, this is a step-by-step guidebook for beginners and a comprehensive resource for experts. This all-inclusive volume begins with dimensional design fundamentals and shows how they fit into diverse data warehouse architectures, including those of W.H. Inmon and Ralph Kimball. The book progresses through a series of advanced techniques that help you address real-world complexity, maximize performance, and adapt to the requirements of BI and ETL Star Schema The Complete Reference new edition
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Star Schema The Complete Reference, ISBN-13: 9780071744324, ISBN-10: 0071744320
The definitive guide to dimensional design for your data warehouseLearn the best practices of dimensional design. Star Schema: The Complete Reference offers in-depth coverage of design principles and their
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Star Schema The Complete Reference, ISBN-13: 9780071744324, ISBN-10: 0071744320
Star Schema The Complete Reference Textbook
Star Schema: The Complete Reference offers in-depth coverage of design principles and their underlying rationales. Organized around design concepts and illustrated with detailed examples, this is a step-by-step guidebook for beginners and a comprehensive resource for experts. This all-inclusive volume begins with dimensional design fundamentals and shows how they fit into diverse data warehouse architectures, including those of W.H
The book progresses through a series of advanced techniques that help you address real-world complexity, maximize performance, and adapt to the requirements of BI and ETL