The latest techniques for building a customer-focused enterprise environment "The authors have appreciated that MDM is a complex multidimensional area, and have set out to cover each of these dimensions in sufficient detail to provide adequate practical guidance to anyone implementing MDM. Get and download textbook MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT AND DATA GOVERNANCE, 2/E for free
author alex berson author larry dubov format hardback language english publication year 01 11 2000 subject management business economics industry subject 2 management business general title master data management and data governance author berson alex publisher mcgraw hill osborne media publication date dec 06 2010 pages 504 binding hardcover edition 2 nd dimensions 7 00 wx 9 00 hx 1 25 d isbn 0071744584 subject computers database management general description a comprehensive revision of the
While this necessarily makes the book rather long, it means that the authors achieve a comprehensive treatment of MDM that is lacking in previous works." -- Malcolm Chisholm, Ph.D., President, Consulting, Inc. Regain control of your master data and maintain a master-entity-centric enterprise data framework using the detailed information in this authoritative guide. Master Data Management and Data Governance, Second Edition provides up-to MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT AND DATA GOVERNANCE new edition
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Buy MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT AND DATA GOVERNANCE, 2/E by Alex Berson,Larry Dubov and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT AND DATA GOVERNANCE, 2/E, ISBN-13: 9780071744584, ISBN-10: 0071744584
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Master Data Management and Data Governance by Alex Berson, Larry Dubov Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New This comprehensive revision of the premier resource on master data management (MDM) provides a common framework for the understanding and implementation of MDM initiatives. Publisher Description This title provides the latest techniques for building a customer-focused enterprise environment. The authors have
Master Data Management and Data Governance
While this necessarily makes the book rather long, it means that the authors achieve a comprehensive treatment of MDM that is lacking in previous works." -- Malcolm Chisholm, Ph.D., President, AskGet
Master Data Management and Data Governance, Second Edition provides up-to