Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
With its highly developed capacity to detect patterns in data, Perl has become one of the most popular languages for biological data analysis. Get and download textbook Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics for free
author james tisdall format paperback language english publication year 02 11 2001 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming themonsterbookshop co uk in titles description add my store to your favorites and receive my email newsletters about new items and special promotions general interest beginning perl for bioinformatics item details title beginning perl for bioinformatics author s james tisdall publisher o reilly media format paperback publication date 2001 10 29 isbn
But if you're a biologist with little or no programming experience, starting out in Perl can be a challenge. Many biologists have a difficult time learning how to apply the language to bioinformatics. The most popular Perl programming books are often too theoretical and too focused on computer science for a non-programming biologist who needs to solve very specific problems.Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an important new laboratory skill, revealing Perl programs and techniques that are immediately us Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics new edition
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Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics: James Tisdall
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics : Paperback : O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA : 9780596000806 : 0596000804 : 01 Jan 2002 : This text is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an important new laboratory skill, revealing Perl programs and techniques that are immediately useful in the lab. Each chapter focuses on solving a particular bioinformatics problem.
Categories: Bioinformatics, Perl (Computer program language). Contributors: James Tisdall - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Categories: Perl (Computer program language), Bioinformatics. Contributors: James D. Tisdall - Author. Format: Paperback
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics Textbook
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an important new laboratory skill, revealing Perl programs and techniques that are immediately us