Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)
Evolutionary robotics is a new technique for the automatic creation of autonomous robots. Get and download textbook Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents) for free
Categories: Evolutionary computation, Evolutionary robotics, Evolutionary computation. Contributors: Keigo Watanabe - Author. Format: Hardcover
Inspired by the Darwinian principle of selective reproduction of the fittest, it views robots as autonomous artificial organisms that develop their own skills in close interaction with the environment and without human intervention. Drawing heavily on biology and ethology, it uses the tools of neural networks, genetic algorithms, dynamic systems, and biomorphic engineering. The resulting robots share with simple biological systems the characteristics of robustness, simplicity, small size, flexibility, and modularity.
In evolutionary robotics, an initial population of artificial chromosomes, each encoding the control system of a robot, is randomly Evolutionary Robotics new edition
Download free books for Philip Husbands, Jean-Arcady Mayer: Evolutionary Robotics
Springer-Verlag Berlin And Heidelberg Gmbh & Co. Kg | 1998 | 264 pages | ISBN-13: 9783540649571 | ISBN-10: 3540649573 | You save 20%
Categories: Evolutionary robotics. Contributors: Lingfeng Wang - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Evolutionary computation, Evolutionary robotics, Evolutionary computation. Contributors: Keigo Watanabe - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Evolutionary robotics->Congresses. Contributors: Philip Husbands - Author. Format: Paperback
Evolutionary Robotics Textbook
In evolutionary robotics, an initial population of artificial chromosomes, each encoding the control system of a robot, is randomly