Writing Information Security Policies
Administrators, more technically savvy than their managers, have started to secure the networks in a way they see as appropriate. Get and download textbook Writing Information Security Policies for free
Writing Information Security Policies, ISBN-13: 9781578702640, ISBN-10: 157870264X
When management catches up to the notion that security is important, system administrators have already altered the goals and business practices. Although they may be grateful to these people for keeping the network secure, their efforts do not account for all assets and business requirements Finally, someone decides it is time to write a security policy. Management is told of the necessity of the policy document, and they support its development. A manager or administrator is assigned to the task and told to come up with something, and fast! Once security policies are written, they must be treated as living do Writing Information Security Policies new edition
Download free books for Writing Information Security Policies (Landmark) ISBN:157870264X
[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Excellent[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: NONE ] Writing Information Security Policies (Landmark) By Scott Barman ISBN: 157870264X Edition:first Publisher: Sams Pub Date: 11/12/2001 Binding: Paperback Pages: 240
Written in a clear, easy-to-understand form that management can understand, without insulting the intelligence of the technical reader. Great foundational reference on security and the policy considerations that must be understood by everyone concerned with information security.
Written in a clear, easy-to-understand form that management can understand, without insulting the intelligence of the technical reader. Great foundational reference on security and the policy considerations that must be understood by everyone concerned with information security.
Written in a clear, easy-to-understand form that management can understand, without insulting the intelligence of the technical reader. Great foundational reference on security and the policy considerations that must be understood by everyone concerned with information security.
Writing Information Security Policies Textbook
A manager or administrator is assigned to the task and told to come up with something, and fast! Once security policies are written, they must be treated as living do