APIs and Protocols For Convergent Network Services
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Categories: Computer network protocols, Application program interfaces (Computer software). Contributors: Stephen Mueller - Author. Format: Paperback
APIs and Protocols For Convergent Network Services new edition
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The Telecom companies are looking to converged services to replace the lost revenue they used to get from long distance and simple access charges. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the crucial tool used for creating these services.* Detailed coverage of JAIN (Java Integrated Networks) and Parlay, the first open APIs released* Provides software basics for telecom professionals* Thoroughly details object-oriented environments* Endorsed by the creators of JAIN and parlay Author: Mueller, Stephen ISBN-10: 007138880X
Apis and Protocols for Convergent Network Services, ISBN-13: 9780071388801, ISBN-10: 007138880X
The Telecom companies are looking to converged services to replace the lost revenue they used to get from long distance and simple access charges APIs Application Programming Interfaces are the crucial tool used for creating these services Detailed coverage of JAIN Java Integrated Networks and Parlay the first open APIs released Provides software basics for telecom professionals Thoroughly details object oriented environments Endorsed by the creators of JAIN and parlay
"The Telecom companies are looking to converged services to replace the lost revenue they used to get from long distance and simple access charges. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the crucial tool used for creating these services. * Detailed coverage of JAIN (Java Integrated Networks) and Parlay, the first open APIs released * Provides software basics for telecom professionals * Thoroughly details object-oriented environments * Endorsed by the creators of JAIN and parlay"
APIs and Protocols For Convergent Network Services Textbook