DB2 9 for Developers
- Discover all the new DB2 9 features, including the DB2 XML hybrid engine, XQuery, XPath, the XDM data model, and more
- Learn how to develop top-performing DB2 XML applications using XQuery and XPath
- Understand when to use an XML database design versus a relational database design
- Receive insight, examples, and recommendations from one of the top DB2 consultants in the industry
Written by an "in-the-trenches" consultant, this guide hails the newest version of DB2 as a major release, highlighting the large number of totally new features, most notably the addition of XML capabilities. Get and download textbook DB2 9 for Developers for free
Categories: DB2 9. Contributors: Philip K. Gunning - Author. Format: Paperback
Packed with the information DB2 developers and administrators need to know when implementing version 9, the discussion covers upgrading from prior releases of DB2, converting relational data to XML data, and how DB2 supports industry standard schemas. With detailed examples and useful scripts, users learn how to develop DB2 XML applications, design an XML database, and tune the DB2 XML hybrid database. Extensive information on DB2 optimization of SQL and XML is a particularly useful feature of the book and includes a rundown on import and DB2 9 for Developers new edition
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Categories: DB2 9. Contributors: Philip K. Gunning - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Categories: DB2 9. Contributors: Philip K. Gunning - Author. Format: Paperback
Buy DB2 9 for Developers by Philip K. Gunning and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
DB2 9 for Developers Author:Philip K. Gunning ISBN:9781583470718 Publisher:Mc Press Published date: Mar 1 2008 Edition: Paperback COMMENT: Used - Very Good Reads perfectly. Great Shape with typical shelf wear. 1st Edition. 2008 Paperback.SKU: WS-090700
DB2 9 for Developers Textbook
Packed with the information DB2 developers and administrators need to know when implementing version 9, the discussion covers upgrading from prior releases of DB2, converting relational data to XML data, and how DB2 supports industry standard schemas
Extensive information on DB2 optimization of SQL and XML is a particularly useful feature of the book and includes a rundown on import and