High Performance Data Network Design: Design Techniques and Tools (IDC Technology)
High-Performance Data Network Design contains comprehensive coverage of network design, performance, and availability. Get and download textbook High Performance Data Network Design: Design Techniques and Tools (IDC Technology) for free
High Performance Data Network Design Designer Techniques and Tools, ISBN-13: 9781555582074, ISBN-10: 1555582079
Tony Kenyon provides the tools to solve medium- to large-scale data network design problems from the ground up. He lays out a practical and systematic approach that integrates network planning, research, design, and deployment, using state-of-the-art techniques in performance analysis, cost analysis, simulation, and topology modeling.
The proliferation and complexity of data networks today is challenging our ability to design and manage them effectively. A new generation of Internet, e-commerce, and multimedia applications has changed traditional assumptions on traffic dynamics, and demands tight quality of service and High Performance Data Network Design new edition
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TheNile.com.au About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 High Performance Data Network Design: Design Techniques and Tools (English) by Tony Kenyon , Elaina Kenyon Format Paperback Condition Brand New Language English High-Performance Data Network Design contains comprehensive coverage of network design, performance, and availability. Tony Kenyon provides the tools to solve medium- to large-scale data network design problems from the ground up. He lays out a practical and systematic ap
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High-Performance Data Network Design contains comprehensive coverage of network design, performance, and availability. Tony Kenyon provides the tools to solve medium- to large-scale data network design problems from the ground up. He lays out a practical and systematic approach that integrates network planning, research, design, and deployment, using state-of-the-art techniques in performance analysis, cost analysis, simulation, and topology modeling. The proliferation and complexity of data networks today is challenging our ability to design and manage them effectively. A new generation of In
High Performance Data Network Design Textbook
A new generation of Internet, e-commerce, and multimedia applications has changed traditional assumptions on traffic dynamics, and demands tight quality of service and