Python Essential Reference (4th Edition)
Python Essential Reference is the definitive reference guide to the Python programming language - the one authoritative handbook that reliably untangles and explains both the core Python language and the most essential parts of the Python library. Get and download textbook Python Essential Reference (4th Edition) for free
Python Essential Reference (4th Edition) - David M. Beazley
Designed for the professional programmer, the book is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. It also includes detailed information on the Python library and many advanced subjects that is not available in either the official Python documentation or any other single reference source. A Thoroughly updated to reflect the significant new programming language features and library modules that have been introduced in Python 2.6 and Python 3, the fourth edition of Python Essentia Python Essential Reference new edition
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Python Essential Reference: David Beazley
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version. Python Essential Reference is the definitive reference guide to
I>Python Essential Reference, 3rd Edition, is a comprehensive reference to the Python programming language. The focus of this latest edition is to add coverage of significant new features and new library modules added to the language over the past five years. Clearly written with concise organization, the new features covered include new style classes, unification of types and classes, xmlrpclip, intertools, bz2 and optparse, making it the most up-to-date Python book on the market.
Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Python Essential Reference - Book NEW Author(s): David M. Beazley Format: Paperback # Pages: 717 ISBN-13: 9780672329784 Published: 07/07/2009 Language: English Weight: 1.86 pounds Brand new book. About Us Payment Shipping Customer Service FAQs Welcome to MovieMars All items are Brand New. We offer unbeatable prices, quick shipping times and a wide selection second to none. Purchases come with a 30-d
Python Essential Reference Textbook
6 and Python 3, the fourth edition of Python Essentia